The horseradish adds a little tang to offset the sweetness. Stir into pulled pork, add a topping to grilled or roasted chicken, fish, or pork, or stir...
I always loved pumpkin preserves, but this recipe is my favorite. You may decide to omit ginger and only add lemon, but in my opinion ginger makes it very...
Old Fashioned Apricot Pineapple Jam - sweet and mellow with bright fruit flavors and just a hint of almonds. It is so good, you'll be enjoying it long...
A simple, quick, and easy recipe for blueberry preserves. Top off ice cream, use it on pancakes, make a peanut butter and preserves sandwich. The possibilities...
There's nothing more wonderful in life than ambling along quiet hedgerows in the forest picking fresh blackberries while the sun shines and the birds sing....
Unlike jams and preserves, butters are cooked slowly for a long period of time. Butters are pretty easy to make and it's difficult to screw up a batch,...
This green tomato jam is sweet but has a nice tang from the tomatoes and subtle heat from the ginger. You will love the citrus undertones! This tastes...
Sweet and slightly tart and full of fresh pineapple, small-batch pineapple jam needs no special canning equipment or even pectin to yield a delicious fresh...
Grape jelly is an easy and delicious recipe that requires little more than grapes, sugar, and fruit pectin. However, you'll also need plenty of time on...
I found a recipe for this jam that I made a few changes to, and this is my final recipe with my changes. It's a hit with all of my friends and family,...
This is not a clear jelly; if you want a very smooth consistency, use orange juice without pulp. Make sure that you pick elderflowers that have not been...
A simple, quick, and easy recipe for blueberry preserves. Top off ice cream, use it on pancakes, make a peanut butter and preserves sandwich. The possibilities...
How to Make Dragon Fruit Jam. Dragon fruit jam is great for anything. You can use it for toppings, spreads or it's even good with itself! With this guide,...
You're in for a sweet and summery treat with this strawberry-rhubarb jam with basil I love to use 4-ounce canning jars and gift these away. This is the...
How to Make Crab Apple Jelly. Do you have a crab apple tree that's bursting with fruit, but have no idea what to do with it all? There aren't many recipes...
When the apricots are no longer available, dried apricots still abound all year round. Here you'll discover a few recipes for creating jam (preserves)...
Perfectly sweet with just a touch of heat Bam Bam Pomegranate Jam is delicious topping off bread & butter or your favorite PB&J. I use jam to make delicious...
Cinnamon, allspice, and cloves make this tomato jam more like a 'butter' than a jam. I actually won a blue ribbon at the Indiana State Fair with this recipe...
Cinnamon, allspice, and cloves make this tomato jam more like a 'butter' than a jam. I actually won a blue ribbon at the Indiana State Fair with this recipe...
Cinnamon, allspice, and cloves make this tomato jam more like a 'butter' than a jam. I actually won a blue ribbon at the Indiana State Fair with this recipe...
When fresh cherries are in season, we preserve them to enjoy all year. This jam is sweet and can be also made as a light version with sugar-free pectin...
A great sweet and savory way to use up any extra cherry tomatoes you might have! Tastes great on crackers with either goat cheese or cream cheese! This...
I needed to fill some holiday cookies with jam and since raspberries and apricots weren't in season, I came up with this cranberry jam recipe. It's lightly...
Regular cherry jam I find quite boring, but I also don't like my jam too spicy. The spice bag method works great, because it only adds a hint of spice...
This easy and great way to use zucchini was given to me by my Grandmother many years ago and is still requested by friends and family today. Any flavor...
I got this recipe from my great-aunt and tried it the first time on some fresh summer peaches. It was super easy and super yummy. It also works with frozen...
I got this recipe from my great-aunt and tried it the first time on some fresh summer peaches. It was super easy and super yummy. It also works with frozen...
I got this recipe from my great-aunt and tried it the first time on some fresh summer peaches. It was super easy and super yummy. It also works with frozen...
Pineapple jam is a sweet, juicy spread that is slightly more tart than the average berry jam. It's also quite easy to make at home, even if you've never...